10 Calisthenics Exercises and Skills Using Resistance Bands
See how you can use resistance bands to help you do muscle-ups, pull-ups, front levers, dips, human flags, and other calisthenics exercises.
There’s a range of Calisthenics techniques to master below, from some of the basic foundation techniques to some of the more impressive techniques.
Keep watching this space as we’ll be steadily adding more Calisthenics techniques.
See how you can use resistance bands to help you do muscle-ups, pull-ups, front levers, dips, human flags, and other calisthenics exercises.
Looking for harder push-up variations? In this post, we demonstrate Archer Push-Ups, Planche Push-Ups, Spiderman Push-Ups, plus others!
Incapable of performing a push-up without knees on the ground? Learn how to do perfect push-ups with correct form and technique using this beginners guide.
A how to guide showcasing the technique and progressions you can use to master the Muscle-Up using gymnastic rings.
With this tutorial learn how to master the Muscle Up on the bars with tips and techniques from this guide.
The ‘Skin the Cat’ exerciser is a beginner technique which will greatly help improve your shoulder flexibility, using a pull-up bar or rings.
Learn how to do Pelican Push-Ups on the rings with this technique guide, which also includes progressions and exercise-specific stretching tips.
In this tutorial we show you the technique and progressions to master Dragon Flags.