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Emoji Quiz: Can You Guess These 21 Exercise Names?

The image below lists 21 different exercises using only Emojis, but can you name them all? (Scroll down for answers).

Exercise Emoji Quiz - Answers Link



Exercise Emoji Quiz Answers

  1. Spiderman Push-Ups
  2. Romanian Deadlifts
  3. Skin The Cats
  4. Ring Muscle-Ups
  5. German Hangs
  6. Meathooks
  7. Horse Stance Squats
  8. Typewriter Pull-Ups
  9. Preacher Curls
  10. Korean Dips
  11. Hollow Body Rocks
  12. Windscreen Wipers
  13. Farmers Walks
  14. Burpees
  15. Human Flags
  16. Shrimp Squats
  17. Mountain Climbers
  18. Good-Mornings
  19. Russian Twists
  20. Flutter Kicks
  21. V-Sit

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