Pullup & Dip Voucher Code (Promo Code)

Great news!

Visitors of Calisthenics 101 can use the voucher code calisthenics-101 to get 10% of their entire order at www.pullup-dip.com.

You don’t need to have subscribed to Calisthenics 101, simply add the voucher code above to get your discount.

There is also no time limit on the code. It has been actively working since 2019 without issues.

How do I apply the voucher code on the Pullup & Dip website?

There are 3 checkout steps and the voucher code can be applied in the ‘Complete order’, which is the 3rd and final step within checkout.

You have to select the “I have a voucher” checkbox as shown below to reveal the input.

Red arrow showing where the voucher code input is within the checkout
The arrow above shows where you need to tick the “I have a voucher” checkbox to reveal the voucher code input area.

When the box is visible, enter the code calisthenics-101 and click the green button next to the input area to validate the promo code.

The page will refresh and show you the voucher code has been successfully added, as shown below.

A screenshot showing the confirmation message on the checkout page once you have submitted the calisthenics-101 voucher code.

The voucher will give you 10% of your total order.

What Pullup & Dip equipment do we recommend?

Here at Calisthenics 101 we have tested a few of Pullup & Dip’s products and have shared our honest reviews of their products below:

Pullup & Dip have been creating new products at a fast rate, and we haven’t had the chance to get our hands on all of their calisthenics equipment to review.

We can confirm that all their products we have tested so far have been of superior quality and the brand has a great reputation for creating great quality products.

Found a voucher code that gives you a better discount at Pullup & Dip?

We know how frustrating some of the voucher sites can be (especially all the pesky ‘click to reveal’ features), but if you have found a code which gives a larger discount, then please leave a comment below.

The promo code calisthenics-101 has been active and working correctly since 2019 without any problems.

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